Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Cuckoo's Egg

One thing that has definitely changed over the last 20-30 years is the importance of computer security. At a very low level, computers are just machines executing instructions. They do whatever they are told. Computers don't care where the instructions come from and they do not ask questions. They just execute. So, it is our job as humans to make sure that instructions that computers are given are from secure sources. This is not an easy task. Hackers continue to invent and find new ways to infiltrate systems and gain access to resources they are not meant to have access to. There is a constant battle between hackers and computer security experts. As the importance of protecting data increases, so does the intensity of the battle.

In the cuckoo's Egg, we learn of a hacker name Markus Hess. Hess was a hacker stationed in Germany who was after U.S. military secrets and would sell what he found to the Soviets. He was eventually found through the efforts of Clifford Stoll. Stoll was originally asked in 1986 to a resolve an accounting error and this led him to realize that their system had been exploited. It is interesting to see how much smaller of an issue this exploitation was back then compared to what it would be now. The FBI did little to help. Eventually, through keeping logs and setting up a hoax system, Stoll was led to Hess.

Today, computers security has become a very real issue. Just think about what all we use computers to do for us! We use them to manage our money, make purchases, find places we want to go, talk to people, etc. With so much information being given to computers the need for security becomes invaluable. And yet, it is still something we tend to look over. Just a few months ago a hacker was able to steal millions of people's data including credit card numbers from Target. With so much information at stake, why do we often look over security. Perhaps it is because of a lack of knowledge in how to be secure or a lack of sufficient money, or we just hope for the best. However, if there is one thing we can learn from the Cuckoo's Egg it is that we can never be too cautious when it comes to computer security.


  1. I agree that computer security is more important now. It's a good thing the government realizes that too.

  2. As vulnerable as computer systems can be, it's all but impossible to avoid computer exploitation. Imagine trying not to ever use a bank card, never use email, and basically avoid computers all together in todays computer society. Fortunately, there are brilliant people working each day to fix deficiencies.

  3. To avoid being eaten by a bear you just need to run faster than the slowest guy. Computer security seems similar, as long as you do not have enemies, just have a better defense than the next guy and you should be attacked less often.

  4. @Cameron Thats a good point. There might be a few other variables that are involved with computer security like the motives of the hackers. But yeah in general I think you are right.

  5. I think a large part of the problem is the fact that the average person knows nothing about security. It isn't really covered in the average person's education.
